changing patternsYou may be operating within an out-dated pattern that you are no longer comfortable with or that no longer serves you. This could be in relation to a partner, your kids or extended family. You may wonder why you continue to keep up your side of the pattern and want help to break out of it. You may feel trapped. If you have kids, they can be challenging, whether small, teenagers or having left home. How to keep things good and still alive and active with your partner is an ongoing balancing act. Lack of a partner is another potentially troublesome issue in terms of feeling of self-worth and attractiveness. Somewhere deep within us is a feeling that a part of the whole purpose was to get married, white wedding and all of that. What's gone wrong? How to reevaluate what's important and make the most of what's good and develop a new strategy, new goals, this is an exciting project and one that I can help with.
a room of one's ownMetaphorically speaking I mean a place inside yourself that is your own. A lot can be gained from being at peace with yourself first and foremost. key to this is liking and respecting yourself. Next is being at peace with those that you are interacting with. Many well intentioned women are thrown by communications with past partners, extended family or their own kids, feeling in the end like they are not in control but merely being pushed about emotionally or affected much more than they would like to be by communications and given situations. I can help with new perspectives on relationships.
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