Diets don't work longtermThe problem with a diet is that it’s almost always for a set period of time, so rather than being considered a change of lifestyle, it’s a quick fix to get a result and then once through it you often the weight lost is gained and you’re back at square one. It’s a surface solution, but won’t sort out the deep-seated reasons that food has become something else – a source of fun, a pastime killing the boredom, things are tough and it’s a wee lift, there’s something irking you but you can’t quite put your finger on it, onto more complex issues such as wanting to hide your body because to display it could be dangerous (protection), lack of confidence, low self-esteem, lack of will-power, despondence, depression, emotional anxiety or it could just be a really bad habit! The problem is that you may go on for years trying all kinds of different regimes without any joy. I have many different approaches and modalities to help with Weight Loss and a lot of experience in this area of women’s health and wellbeing. Please drop me an email to see how I can help.
Health ConsiderationsHealth, what better reason could there be for looking after yourself and caring about what you eat. There are a lot of ramifications involved with being overweight. It's so definitely not just to do with appearances. It's how you feel, comfort, agility, what you are able to do. But perhaps underestimated in importance is your overall health. Being overweight strains the heart, your main life-sustaining organ. Depending on severity, there are all kinds of health issues that can crop up: high cholesterol, high blood pressure (the leading cause of strokes), you are more likely to be at risk of getting diabetes, some cancers, gall bladder disease and gallstones, osteoarthritis, gout, breathing problems such as sleep apnea, asthma. But this is not a just a scare-mongering plea, it's really just to make the point that this is not just about fitting into those jeans or looking good for an event or a holiday, although these are great motivating factors and I'm all for it, but there's another reason for all of this -simply and importantly - being healthy!
Techniques I useI use a number of different modalities as suits the individual client in any one session. Some of the techniques that I favour for Weight Loss are EFT- Emotional Freedom technique and Hypnotherapy. The process of EFT tapping involves developing in tandem with the client a series of statements that flow with the tapping points. They essentially come from the client but with guidance often inner blocks can come to the surface. Where appropriate Timeline or Regression is used to go back to an earlier time and to remodel or reconstruct a defining event from the past. Trance is used to enable the client to release the conscious mind from taking over and to allow
post Hypnotic suggestion to occur that support a different way of being, a new you. It's like shedding the old you and starting off fresh again. I provide a good level of between session support always responding to emails within 24 hours. It's like being in a partnership where I am your coach to help you to start getting the important results at the same time as feeling more energy and motivation at the same time as an inner sense of calm and clarity. |
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[email protected] © 2022, Copyright Christina Perritt Practice. All rights reserved. |