Blocks – Confidence, Public Speaking, Self Esteem.
Relationships – Family, Friends, Partner
Anxiety in relation to Fibromyalgia
Quote: "We cannot solve the problems we have created with the same thinking that created them." Albert Einstein About EFT As little known as it is, EFT (commonly referred to as 'Tapping') is one of the most compelling therapies to be developed due to the speed at which it allows people to heal and create lasting life change. Functionally it looks like a synthesis of acupressure and breathwork combined with speaking about aspects of the problem or goal with the therapist's guidance.
EFT derived from Thought Field Therapy and has been found to be an effective and accessible tool in dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder where it has been used as a primary tool to treat soldiers returning from combat. In day-to-day practice, I've found it to be an essential tool in dealing with the grief, shock or trauma. The results are immediately felt and clients can consciously track their emotion changing. For clients who have been depressed the feeling of a positive momentum, especially for someone who has been feeling stuck for a long time, is exhilarating. I will ask your permission to tap on you and you will learn how to tap on these points for your own personal use. Whilst tapping on specific points you are guided to release negative emotions, images, memories. Using Matrix Reimprinting and based on the belief that memory is malleable, painful or distressing memories can be reconstructed and allow you to move on. Whether it is memories to do with a bad shock, trauma, abuse or divorce, Eft and Matrix Reimprinting are powerful tools to help you move forward and feel released and renewed.
Via Skype or Telephone I also work via Skype or telephone if you prefer to stay at home or live some distance away. Please make this clear at the time of making an appointment. Once you are familiar with the tapping points telephone can be very effective for EFT work.